Release 23.7

Released On 25th of November 2023
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This release note is concise and focused, primarily addressing internal bug fixes and enhancements to the system's performance.


iSmartRecruit Calendar 

The integration of Google or Outlook calendar meetings and events is now seamlessly reflected in iSmartRecruit's internal calendar. Users no longer need to switch between their work calendar and iSmartRecruit calendar to review their schedules. Additionally, all events, tasks, calls, and interviews scheduled within iSmartRecruit will sync and be visible on your integrated calendar.

Page Link: 

Navigation path: Calendar icon on the top-right corner of the screen 



Bulk Notes addition

The capability to add notes for multiple candidates is now accessible in the following areas:

  • The Candidates tab within the job window
  • The Pipeline module

Page Link: 

Navigation path: Job module >> Open a particular job >> Candidates >> More Actions >> Add note 



Page Link: 

Navigation path: Pipeline Module >> More Actions >> Add note 



Deprecated Twitter integration

As a result of revisions to Twitter's integration policy, iSmartRecruit no longer facilitates integration with the Twitter platform. Utilizing Twitter for job promotion through the 'Run Social Campaign' feature is no longer supported within the iSmartRecruit system.

Page Link: 

Navigation path: Profile icon on top-right corner >> Personal Settings >> Connect Tab >> Social Network Connect 



Edit Screening responses for Candidates 

To input responses for screening questions on behalf of candidates, you can effortlessly accomplish this task directly within the candidate profile.

Page Link: 

Navigation path: Candidate Module >> Open candidate profile >> Screening >> Pencil icon to edit candidate responses  



Owner-wise Revenue details

The enhanced revenue module now provides detailed insights based on the owner's perspective. When recording Projected and Actual Revenue, you can conveniently view and filter data by selecting team members, allowing you to tailor your analysis according to specific users.

Page Link: 

Navigation path: Revenue Module >> Projected Revenue & Actual Revenue 


Projected Revenue 



Actual Revenue 



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You can book a training session or write to [email protected] for any further assistance.