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5 Tough Interview Questions that are Difficult to Answer

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In today's century, most of the people are serious about their career. To make their professional lives successful they have to crack many interviews, it is the toughest stage of the job process. Almost every person spent lots of their time in preparation for the interview and it is necessary.

In this stage, the interviewee does not have any idea which question they have to face. In an interview it is not compulsory to ask the only job-related questions, the interviewer can ask any question that may be related to the interviewee's personal life. 

Sometimes interviewers ask such questions which makes interviewees think too much before answering. It is not because they don't have an answer but because they don't know how to discuss that topic.

In this article, we are going to point out different types of difficult questions that are asked by the interviewer and how smartly the interviewee gives the answer to those questions.

Tell me about yourself

"Tell me about yourself", this is the most frequently asked question by interviewers but still many people don't know how to answer this question.

Do you think through this question the interviewer showing interest in your personal life, like Is he or she interested to know about your dog name or What is your favorite ice-cream? The answer is NO, keep it professional. She or he wants to know about your professional experiences and how your experience is relevant to this job.

Whenever this question comes to you, start answering from your present situation of professional life. Say little about the present but lots about your Past experience in the job and your achievements. At the last share your Future plan which is related to this job.

Don't take too much time for sharing your story, complete it within two minutes.

Example: "Currently, I have been working as an Assistant Professor in a ____ college for the last three years. I also have five years of experience as an assistant teacher in ____ school. I completed my Post graduation from____"

What are your weaknesses?

No one likes to share their weaknesses with others but in this situation, you have to openly talk about your weaknesses with the interviewer.  It is like you have to be good while talking bad about yourself. For this, you have to prepare in advance.

Because through this question the interviewer tests the candidate's preparation for the job.

Never list out your weaknesses which affect your work completely, weaknesses should be that naturally faced by everyone. After that, you have to explain the actions you are taking to overcome it and what results you get.

When explaining to them about your actions, make them feel that you always work on yourself which is a good point for you.

Example: "As everyone has some weakness I also have, I have an introverted personality so sometimes it is difficult for me to work in a team."

Why do you want to leave your current job?

The answer to this question must be positive. If your answer is negative it shows that you are eager to leave your current job which makes a bad impression on the interviewer.

Because it makes them think like, if they hire you then you may do the same thing or you will also represent their company in the same way you representing another company.  So they aren't going to hire you.

Say what you will get through this job that is not in your current job, it may be responsibility, opportunity, any new thing that you will learn from this job, etc. Never discuss salary as an answer. Also, show your excitement about the opportunity you get for this job in your answer.

Example: I really enjoy working in my current job but this job is an opportunity for me, I always work on myself and your company gives me a chance to learn something new.

Questions related to your personal life

Many times interviewers ask questions that are related to your personal life. They have the right to ask you such questions but answer them until the questions are so common like your age, marital status, your native place, etc.

If the interviewer asks you not so common questions or you are not comfortable answering that question, at that time you can refuse to answer. The way of saying no to answer must be humble and polite with "sorry".

Wherever the interviewer asks you personal questions, answer them with loyalty don't lie to them. It is just a cross-check they are doing what you wrote in your resume and what you actually answering.

manage stress in COVID

How do you manage pressure at the workplace?

People have to deal with different types of situations in the workplace. Employers always want employees who can handle every situation under pressure without getting panicked.

So this question is asked by the interviewer to know your ability to work under pressure and problem solver. Always remember the good candidate is not someone who never feels pressure but someone who is able to work effectively even in difficult situations. So don't answer that you never feel stressed about anything.

Tell them what you do or how you work when you are under pressure, which rules you follow to make work done at that time, or anything you do to overcome the stress and make your mind to do more focused on work, etc.

To make an impact on the interviewer, you have to answer each question with confidence. But the best thing is practice, "Practice Makes Man Perfect".  Because it is also important how well you can present your answer in front of the interviewer which is possible through practice.

Some questions may be common and expected but always ready for unexpected scenarios.

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